Le Bistrot de la Place restaurant à Trémolat

« Le Bistrot de la Place » Restaurant

Authentic regional cuisine
resolutely Périgord

Fifty meters away from the Vieux Logis, on a beautiful square, the Bistrot de la Place welcomes you in a friendly setting and a typical Trémolacoise atmosphere, to make you discover regional cuisine in a bistro style, simple and uninhibited, at attractive prices.

We offer a daily special at € 19 (weekday lunch),
A Bistro Menu at 28€
Our à la carte dishes (Starter + Main Course + Dessert at 36 €).

The Bistrot de la Place is open from Wednesday to Sunday (from September to June)

Open Everyday July and August


Information and reservations:
+33 (0)5 53 22 80 69


Carte menu 35 €
Bistro menu 26 €
Daily special 19 €